Diva Dance Class

Learn to dance like a diva!

Dancing with your feet is one thing, dancing with your heart is another. When you think of Diva you think of heels, personality, strutting and a total diva attitude. This class is for people that want to try Commercial Dance as well as Diva Dance, so we have fused the two styles together creating Commercial Diva.

Think Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson and you’re almost there. In fact, most music videos today are diva based styles but all have the additional commercial feel. Funky but slick, sexy but cool, and of course helping to get rid of those inhibitions on the dance floor whilst learning the basics and essentials.

No previous experience is required, just your energy and enthusiasm for learning something new. You will develop confidence in your own movement and work on improving your ability and fitness for both fun and pleasure.

When: Tuesdays 7pm – 8pm

Term Dates: 25th April – 27th June

Where: YMCA at One KX, WC1H 8BS

Fees:  £180 per term


Book now using code QUICK50 and save a whopping £90!

Offer ends in:


The aim is to learn a new routine every fortnight, so by the end of the course you should know five new dance routines! Classes will be filmed at different points throughout the term so you can see how much you have progressed by the end of the course.

Each term you will walk away with new skills, techniques and knowledge of various commercial diva dance moves.

Meet your tutor

Aaron Wingrove-Littman is a London based dancer and choreographer that spent 3 years in Disneyland Paris performing for their various shows and parades. Upon his return he has been involved in multiple music videos both in front and behind the camera. He has also performed on multiple cruise ships around the Baltic sea and on stage at some of London’s big events such as London Pride and Move It dance exhibition. He has also spent time touring Egypt teaching his own brand of of Hip Hop in studios around Cairo.

Aaron will be leading you with his unique, eclectic style. His mission is to share the joy of dancing and make the art form feel inclusive and accessible. On top of this, he’ll add the strutting, sensual but power enhancing moves that make Diva Dance what it is!

Book now the countdown for this offer has started!


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