Terms and Conditions

Please note that our terms and conditions are very simple but failure to adhere to them will result in your child being sent home straight away or being suspended. Please do not assume that if you drop your child off that they will be able to stay unless you know 100% that all terms and conditions have been followed. Until they are passed reception they will still be your responsibility. For standards to be kept high and improved a team effort is non-negotiable. Hence why we take a firm approach to the terms below.

All terms and conditions below are for all branches of the Anna Fiorentini Drama School.

Booking your Taster Day

  • To book a place at one of our taster days you must complete an application form on our website. You will be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit of £20 to secure your place. You will then be contacted by the School with details of the next available taster day at your preferred branch. If your child confirms they want to continue for the term following a taster day, this deposit will be deducted from your term’s fees.

Deadline for termination: Half term

  • If your child decides they no longer wish to attend the school you need to give written notice by the half term break of the current term. Reminders of this will be sent to you via email/ newsletter.
  • You need to do this either by e-mailing the office or by sending in a letter to the Head Office.
  • Once this termination has been received you will be sent an acknowledgement via e-mail within 7 working days. If you do not receive this notification it is your responsibility to chase it up by the 7th working day.
  • If correct notice is given by half term, you will not be charged for the following term. If you notify the office after the half term deadline you will be charged 50% of the following terms fees. If no notice is given before the new term commences, you will be charged full fees for the term.
  • Once a place is accepted at the school, you will be liable for the full term’s fees, regardless of absences or the decision to withdraw outside of the above terms.
  • Force Majeure – either party will not be liable for any failure/delay in performing their obligations under these Terms & Conditions to the extent that this failure is the result of any cause or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of that party including acts of god, war, civil commotion, industrial dispute or decision of the venue to close and that failure could not have been prevented or overcome by that party acting reasonably and prudently.

Communication with parents / guardians

  • If you accept a place at this school it is on the condition that you spend time each week reading and absorbing the information sent out in the weekly newsletter.
  • A weekly newsletter is emailed to you directly every week in term time. This is our only form of communication with many parents on a regular basis and is vital for the smooth running of the school.
  • Certain requests may be given in the weekly newsletter. For example, a form may need to be signed for the following week. Unless we get 100% returns many opportunities may be lost.
  • Show rehearsals and individual projects organised by teachers can be very ambitious and may need the authorisation of parents/guardians.
  • If we discover that weekly newsletters are not being read by the parent/guardian and not being adhered to, the student may be asked to leave the school.
  • When accepting a place, it is understood that if a child performs in a Show/ Performance, professional photographs will be taken during the performance and may be used for promotional purposes at the Principal’s discretion.

Should you have queries regarding this, please contact hello@afperformingarts.com.

Punctuality is a must for any Performer

CAMDEN & HACKNEY SATURDAY MORNING DRAMA SCHOOL: Doors open at 9.15am. All students must arrive before 9.25am.

CAMDEN & HACKNEY SATURDAY AFTERNOON DRAMA SCHOOL: Doors open at 2.15pm. All students must arrive before 2.25pm.

GREENWICH SATURDAY MORNING DRAMA SCHOOL Doors open at 9.45am. All students must arrive before 9.55am.

DOCKLANDS WEDNESDAY EVENING DRAMA SCHOOL: Doors open at 4.45pm. All students must arrive before 4.55pm.

Students that arrive after the start of class will be marked down as late.

CAMDEN WEENIES: Doors open at 9.15am. All students must arrive before 9.25am

DOCKLANDS WEENIES: Doors open at 9.30am. All students must arrive before 9.40am

GREENWICH WEENIES CLASS ONE: Doors open at 9.45am. All students must arrive before 9.55am

GREENIWCH WEENIES CLASS TWO: Doors open at 11.30am. All students must arrive before 11.40am

HACKNEY WEENIES: Doors open at 2pm. All students must arrive before 2.10pm

Running Late? Phone the school’s mobile. If you phone to say you are running late our teachers can make allowances and let a student in to their class. However, frequent lateness will result in a parent/ guardian being contacted.

Dismissal of Students

When parents/ guardians arrive they must write their child’s name down at Reception.

CAMDEN & HACKNEY SATURDAY MORNING DRAMA SCHOOL: Students must be off the premises by 2pm
Doors will open at 1.45pm.

CAMDEN & HACKNEY SATURDAY AFTERNOON DRAMA SCHOOL: Students must be off the premises by 5.30pm.
Doors will open at 5.20pm.

GREENWICH SATURDAY MORNING DRAMA SCHOOL: Students must be off the premises by 1pm.
Doors will open at 12.50pm.

WEDNESDAY EVENING DRAMA SCHOOL: Students must be off the premises by 8pm.
Doors will open at 7.50pm.

Note to parents / guardians: Even if you see your child please allow them to be formally dismissed before they come to you.

If you are late collecting your child regularly, you will be charged for the Team Member’s time and possibly late fines from our venues.

What to do if a student is ill

If you know by 4pm on Friday (for Saturday classes) or 4pm on Wednesday that you cannot make a class due to illness you must phone the office on 020 7682 1403

Short Notice illness following applies:

SATURDAY MORNING DRAMA SCHOOL: Students must leave a message on the school mobile before 9am on the Saturday.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON DRAMA SCHOOL: Students must leave a message on the school mobile before 2pm on the Saturday.
EVENING DRAMA SCHOOLS: Students must leave a message on the school mobile before 4.45pm on the Wednesday.

* The above makes sure that reception has enough time to let teachers know of any absences so that any alterations to lessons can be made.

If you cannot make a class during a normal school term
(different Terms and Conditions apply for a show term)

  • Two weeks written notice must be given if you wish to have a week off. Please e-mail the office. Any correspondence given directly to the school’s reception or teachers will not be acknowledged.
  • You will get an acknowledgement e-mail in return. If you do not get a response it is your responsibility to chase this up.
  • If you do not have internet access please phone 020 7682 1403.
  • The above ensures that teachers can plan as effectively as possible.

Unexpected Absences

  • If the student needs to take a week off unexpectedly and has been unable to give 2 weeks written notice you must get authorisation from the office. You must e-mail the office giving as much notice as possible.
  • Once this e-mail is received all teachers will be contacted and asked if there are any projects that will be disrupted with the student’s absence. If all is ok the office will let you know that you have an authorised absence.
  • If it is going to cause disruption and you still go ahead with the absence it may result in your child missing out on rehearsals that cannot be re-taught.

Student Provision

  • Students are expected to come to the school each week with a professional attitude and the eagerness to learn new skills.
  • To help achieve this they must always have a notebook and pen as well as a folder for any photocopied music sheets, scripts etc. Students are to respect any materials that are handed to them and keep them in an orderly fashion.


The school uniform which consists of a branded T-shirt and bottoms is compulsory. Uniforms can only be purchased via the school supplier, Total Clothing Shop. Orders should be made online via www.totalclothingshop.co.uk/annafiorentinitfs.

Other requirements:

  • Black plimsolls with white/ neutral soles.
  • No jewellery except small studs

If any student ignores the basic requirements above they may be sent out of class.

Classroom Etiquette

  • As soon as students enter the classes they should put all bags and coats to the side and be ready to listen as soon as the teacher or director starts the class.
  • Disruption of classes will not be tolerated.
  • If a student is asked to leave the class a parent/ guardian may be contacted.
  • If a student is disruptive on a regular basis or does not participate to the best of their ability they will be asked to come to a meeting with their parents and may be asked to leave the school.

Photography & Filming on site

  • As part of our training and showcases, it will be necessary to take photos and videos of the students occasionally. These will be used to record the student’s progression as well as keepsakes for our families. They may be used for advertising purposes at the Principal’s discretion.
  • If there is a safeguarding issue that means photos of your child should not be taken, please email hello@afperformingarts.com immediately. Please note, although we will respect this request, it may mean that your child will have to be positioned accordingly during performances to avoid them being captured in any photos/ recordings.

Mobile Phones

  • Mobile phones must be completely switched off and left in the student’s bag during all class times and during any performances
  • If a parent / guardian needs to contact their child they must do so by phoning the school mobile.

Lost Property

  • The Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School will not be held responsible for any lost or damaged property. We encourage students not to bring expensive items with them just in case of accidents.
  • If a student loses something it is worth asking at reception the following week. We will keep all lost property for a maximum of 3 weeks before it is donated to a charity shop.

Food Glorious Food

  • No students regardless of their age will be allowed off the premises once they have signed in. Therefore they must be provided with lunch or a small snack and plenty of water.
  • We encourage healthy eating and ask that instead of sweets and fizzy drinks they are provided with fruit and water.
  • No student will be allowed to have access to hot water.
  • Students must only eat during assigned break times. Of course if a student feels faint and needs to eat during the class time they should never hesitate to tell a teacher so that a space can be provided.
  • Water can be drunk at anytime and is encouraged.
  • Glass Bottles and chewing gum are not permitted on the premises. If a student is seen chewing they will be asked to leave the class.
  • Chewing gum poses a health hazard for performers and destroys clothing and furniture!

Student Supervision

  • Students must remain in the communal area at the start of the day, during all breaks and before they are dismissed.
  • If a student needs to leave to go to the toilet or get changed they must ask a member of staff.
  • At the end of the day teachers will bring their classes to the communal area where notes will be given.
  • Students must go straight to the communal area with their teacher and not make a detour until they are dismissed in the proper manner.
  • Students must not go to their parents in reception until they are formally dismissed.


  • Bullying will not be tolerated.
  • We pride ourselves on creating a friendly family atmosphere where students can feel able to experiment and not have to worry about making mistakes.
  • The beauty of the performing arts industry is that it attracts all sorts of people and differences should be celebrated.
  • If a student feels upset by any comments from another student we encourage them to speak confidentially to a member of staff. Alternatively they may prefer to speak to their parent / guardian so that they can ring the school.
  • We also ask students to look out for fellow students that they feel may be being teased and to speak to a member of staff on their behalf.
  • If it is discovered that a student is deliberately bullying another student they will be asked to come for a meeting with their parents and may be asked to leave the school.


  • If a student is misbehaving on a regular basis whilst at the school their parent / guardian will be contacted to discuss the situation.
  • If this is a continuous problem and we don’t see an improvement in the student, they may be called to the Head Office for a meeting to discuss their place at the school.
  • Should you wish to discuss your child’s progress/ behaviour, please contact the Head Office.

Complaints Procedure

  • Disrespectful behaviour towards staff, volunteers and other students will not be tolerated.
  • Should you have a complaint or concern and need to speak to the principle or the Head Office staff, an appointment must be made. Please contact the office to arrange an appointment.
  • Please do not vent frustrations in the reception area as our reception staff are freelance and may not be able to deal with your concern.

Need to speak to a Teacher or the Principal?

  • Should you need to speak to the principal or any member of the teaching staff please contact the office. A message will be passed on and you will be contacted within 7 working days.
  • All communication to teaching staff must come through head office. Teachers are at the drama schools to teach and are not be expected to give up their short break time to answer queries.

Parents / Guardians being contactable

  • A parent / guardian must be contactable at all times that their child is at the school.
  • It is the parent / guardian’s responsibility to inform the office of any change of phone numbers and contact details. Please e-mail the office with any changes. You will get a notification e-mail when this has been received. If you do not get this notification it is your responsibility to chase this up.

Ways Parents / Guardians can get involved

  • Volunteering – There are several ways you could volunteer your time occasionally. Maybe helping out at the drama schools or offering skills that help small businesses grow. For more information please e-mail the office.
  • Get your company involved – We are a not for profit organisation with virtually no funding and often have to hold fundraising events so that we can keep our instalment policy going, raise money for our shows and give as many bursaries or subsidised places as possible. Many companies have a Corporate Social Responsibility department and often sponsor organisations like ours. However, they usually need a personal contact who can vouch for us. If you, or anybody you know works for a company that may consider sponsorship or working in partnership for mutual marketing possibilities do get in touch by e-mailing the office.
  • Doing a sponsored event – If you decide to do a sponsored event such as a walk, bike ride or swim, please consider making us the organisation you raise money for. There are thousands of worthwhile organisations out there but we can only rely on the people that know about us. You will see exactly where your money goes and can be a part of the decision making process.
  • Spread the word – Without huge sponsorship we rely on our places being filled to meet growing expenses. At the same time we do not want standards to drop and so will only accept students that we feel really want to train with us. Please spread the word about us to family and friends. Remember we have branches in Hackney, Docklands, Greenwich and Camden so spread the word across the capital.
  • Reading weekly newsletters and following deadlines – Just by paying your fees by agreed dates, reading your weekly newsletters and following the deadlines you can help cut our administration costs and give us more time on expanding the services we offer.


As an organisation we are following all current advise from the Government and Public Health England. Should our premises become unavailable we will do everything possible to find an alternative venue (if appropriate). Should the advice change, the organisation will follow all guidelines issued by the Government. Should a lockdown be enforced we will endeavour to make up the missed classes, in-person at a later time in the year. If this is not possible our classes will take place online and you will be issued with a 50% credit note, pro-rata for classes that are taught online which can be used against your next invoice.


Should you join us for online classes, please read through the below disclaimer.


1. Any person or persons participating in our online classes, live Zoom’s or all/any other online activity provided by Fiorentini Arts School Ltd. shall do so at his/her own risk, this includes children. He/she shall assume all risk(s) involved, including but not limited to, injury, damage, or liability sustained whilst participating. Fiorentini Arts School Ltd.  will not be held liable for any misfortune that may occur.
2. Participants should understand that when joining in any exercise/class – online or otherwise, there is the possibility of physical/vocal injury. If you engage in our online classes of any kind you are voluntarily participating in these activities, you assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Fiorentini Arts School Ltd. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Fiorentini Arts School Ltd.


Please note that our terms and conditions are very simple but failure to adhere to them will result in your child not continuing for the duration of the course. Please do not assume that if you drop your child off that they will be able to stay unless you know 100% that all terms and conditions have been followed. Until they are past reception they will still be your responsibility. For standards to be kept high and improved a team effort is non-negotiable. Hence why we take a firm approach to the terms below.

  • All fees must be paid by the set deadline.
  • The deposit is non-refundable under any circumstances unless a place is not given.
  • Once a place is confirmed and paid for, the full fees are non-refundable under any circumstances. Under exceptional circumstances we may be able to offer a place at an alternative holiday school allocated at the school’s discretion and only if spaces are available.
  • All students must arrive promptly, ready to start at 9.20am. Lateness will not be tolerated unless a phone call is made to the Head Office on 0207 682 1403, with an explanation before the student arrives.
  • Any unexpected absences due to illness must be phoned through before 9.30am, so the staff can be notified.
  • Your child must be provided with a lunch for the break time and plenty of water to last the day. Nothing too heavy and nothing that requires hot water. Children are not permitted off-site to buy there lunch, so they must bring it with them.
  • Chewing gum and glass bottles are not permitted on the premises.
  • No food or drink, apart from water, may be consumed outside the break time. If the student feels faint due to hunger they must inform the teacher straight away and a place will be allocated for them to go and eat.
  • Students must have with them at all times a notebook and pen/pencil.
  • Disruption of performing arts classes will not be tolerated.
  • Disrespectful behaviour towards staff and teachers and other students will not be tolerated.
  • Should you have a complaint or concern and need to speak with the drama school staff, an appointment must be made. Please e-mail us or ring 020 7682 1403.
  • Whenever possible, a parent/guardian must be contactable at all times that the child is at the school. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the school of any contact or medical changes that may have occurred.

T & C’s last updated: July 2024

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