Shakespeare once said, ‘Too old or not too old, that is the question.’ Okay, maybe that is not quite what he said, but we think that The Bard would agree that taking part in performing arts classes can be a rewarding experience for anybody, no matter their age. At Stage & the City, we believe that everyone should be able to revisit their childhood fantasies and have fun learning new skills.
Check out our other blog post: Life after lockdown: a chance for change?
The idea of starting something new may be intimidating, but here are some reasons why it’s worth taking a chance:
Have you always dreamed of taking to the stage, but you’ve been too busy with a career or with family commitments up until now? Have you rehearsed your Oscar-winning speech in your bathroom mirror a million times before, but only now have you had the confidence to give acting a go? Whatever the reason, it’s never too late to start acting. Plenty of actors and actresses have found success later in life; take a look at our previous blog post for some examples.
The first step need not be daunting. Just because some people may be younger than you doesn’t mean you should avoid the opportunity to engage with your passion. Our classes at Stage & the City are all-inclusive. Once you start working together, you will not even notice the ages of everyone present.
But don’t just take our word for it. Rose Evans, a previous Acting for Beginners student, said, “The teachers are great and very supportive of all the students. The thing I love most about it is that it’s a safe space for me to sing my heart out. The students are diverse, and we are all pushed to do our best and step out of our comfort zone as much or as little as we choose.”
We are often told that ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, but whatever your age, the ability to master new skills is not only achievable but beneficial. Whether you are looking to learn technical skills or want to build your confidence, performing arts classes can help.
Classes at Stage & the City are taught by a range of different film, television, and West End industry professionals. They offer the chance to learn from an array of disciplines. The arts bring people together and enrich the community, something that is more important than ever right now. Being part of a company is a great way to develop relationships and meet new friends with whom you can share your interests and talents.
If you want to experience the joy of working as a group and developing your talent, then don’t let your fear stop you! No matter your age or experience, it is never too late to develop a new skill and nurture your passion.
There is no age limit on creativity, fun, and imagination. The happier we are, the more productive we are in life. As children, we are encouraged to discover the world through play. Why should that stop as we get older? Engaging with your imagination can often be therapeutic and can help expand our minds.
The friendly and relaxed teaching styles at Stage & the City are sure to support you in having fun and losing your inhibitions. Anna Fiorentini, principal of the school, says, “It is so great to see adults from all walks of life coming together at least once a week and having fun whilst learning.”
Not only will you be having a fun time, but you will also be supporting a good cause too. All profits from Stage & the City go to the Fiorentini Foundation. The Foundation contributes to providing bursaries for less privileged children that wish to attend the Theatre & Film School to gain confidence and other life skills.