All professional actors face rejection. Even the best actors in the world aren’t guaranteed to land every role that they audition for. It’s a tough industry, and there is a lot of competition out there. Having an unsuccessful audition might feel like the end of the world, but the truth is, there is a lot you can learn from the experience.
Don’t let a negative audition disrupt your mental health and happiness. The feeling of disappointment can be devastating, especially if you really want that role, but it’s important to remember that rejection is part of life as an actor. Never give up; hard work and determination will eventually land you your dream job.
To move forward, you need to think about how you’re going to prevent the same mistakes from happening the next time you audition. Your mistakes are lessons that will teach you how to be bigger and better! Take any constructive criticism you receive and utilise it.
If you have a positive mindset, you will radiate positivity. Don’t think to yourself, “I could have done better.” Instead, I want you to ask yourself, “What can I do better next time?”
You know what they say—practice makes perfect! Rehearse some monologues in front of your friends or in your bedroom mirror if you have to. Record some self-tapes and see what you think you could improve on. Another great tip is to go and watch plays as well as footage from your favourite actors such as Tahj Miles. You can take notes and get some inspiration!
The next time an opportunity to audition comes up, take it! Be confident, be positive, and let your talent shine through. All your hard work will pay off eventually. Every audition brings you a step closer to landing your perfect role.