Reasons to join our Performance Troupe as a Young Performer

Anna Fiorentini 14 Jan 2022

Reasons to join our Performance Troupe as a Young Performer

The Anna Fiorentini Performance Troupe is a great opportunity for young people who are looking for a creative outlet each week. Whether you are taking part in order to pursue a dream of performing, or if you are looking to build on performing skills and creatively express yourself, it can be extremely beneficial.

Check out our other blog: Five Reasons Why Singing Will Make You Smile

Here are a few reasons why:

Learn how to work as a team and make new friends

The Troupe is an ensemble group. You will often have to rely on others in the Troupe to deliver performances effectively. As such, being part of the ensemble group will help children and young people learn how to collaborate with others. They will understand the importance of supporting each other through developing good communication and listening skills.  And these skills can be applied in all areas of their life. It can be an excellent opportunity for children who have a hard time fitting in. They may even come away with a group of new like-minded friends!

Encourage creative expression and empathy

The Troupe will become an outlet for self-expression and help children and young people to get in touch with their emotions and creative minds. By being in a supportive environment, students can practice using their imagination, learn to find their voice and embrace being themselves. With the help of our encouraging teachers, students will gradually step out of their comfort zone and become more outgoing. And stepping into the shoes of different characters or learning to listen to other Troupe members can help students to understand different perspectives and points of view. Consequently, this will help them to develop empathy for others in the real world.

Develop on existing skills

This Troupe will help develop confidence and build on performing skills that will last a lifetime. Students will also be taught valuable performing techniques like projection and how to engage an audience so that they can perform comfortably in front of a group of people and audiences. So it’s a great way to get a little extra push each week and build on lessons taught at our schools or elsewhere.

Gain a sense of achievement and professionalism

There’s nothing quite like hearing an audience applaud your work to make you feel like a star. Students can often get a great sense of achievement from participating in shows and performances. Being part of the Troupe will give young performers an increased awareness of what they can achieve. As the face of the school and its charitable arm the Fiorentini Foundation, they will get the opportunity to perform at a range of community and corporate events and showcases. It will not only encourage students to make a great impression on directors, teachers, and fellow students, but external companies and businesses too. They will begin to show enthusiasm, work hard and treat everyone with respect. This follows through into a child’s work and professional life.

It’s a fun and enjoyable activity

Finally, and maybe most importantly, the Troupe is ultimately a place to have fun with a group of friends. We pride ourselves on being an engaging and fun activity for young people to participate in. If you’re fuelled by a desire to perform and be part of a large ensemble where you can meet like-minded people and make new friends, then you should join us!


We have an audition workshop for the Performance Troupe coming up on 3rd October 2022. Every Monday students aged 11-18 years old rehearse for two hours from 6pm to 8pm in Hackney. Our vision is to create a large troupe of performers who can take part in events, showcases and private performances. The Troupe is the face of the school and its charitable arm, the Fiorentini Foundation. We are an inclusive and fun group that will help you develop your performance skills! For more information and to enrol on the audition workshop, click here or email us at


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