Anna Fiorentini • 7 Apr 2021
[Edited 15/11/2021] Whatever kind of acting you do; it will hugely help your performance if you train for both stage and screen. However, it’s...
Anna Fiorentini • 6 Apr 2021
If ever self-tapes were to have their day, it’s today! Due to the pandemic, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of...
Anna Fiorentini • 30 Mar 2021
Have you always had an angling to star in a show, bow in front of a packed theatre house or see your name in...
Anna Fiorentini • 17 Mar 2021
There are a few phrases that have stuck over 2020 and into 2021… ‘the new normal’, ‘unprecedented time’ being just two of them. But...
Anna Fiorentini • 23 Feb 2021
Let’s talk about the phrase ‘multi-hyphenate’. Have you heard it? I first heard it nearly 5 years ago in a talk by a brilliant...
We all have a serious case of Zoom Fatigue. The words ‘breakout room’ bring a shudder to our spines. But what if I told...
Anna Fiorentini • 13 Oct 2020
We’ve all been feeling a bit… overwhelmed, to say the least. Unsure what the next set of confusing rules will be, if things will...
Anna Fiorentini • 14 Sep 2020
Are you decisive or indecisive? Do you spend a full 15 minutes in the morning deciding what cereal to eat? Our life is made...
Anna Fiorentini • 10 Sep 2020
Over the past few months, the majority of us have experienced stress, anxiety and loss of social contact. Some of us may have ventured...
Stress and anxiety are commonplace in our society and have a significant impact on our ability to meet, socialise and even work. With a...
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