We’ve all been feeling a bit… overwhelmed, to say the least. Unsure what the next set of confusing rules will be, if things will ever go back to normal and when the hell this will all be over, we’ve certainly hit peak-deflation. We need to find ways to find the joy again, take care of our mental health and bring on those good old endorphins. That’s why I’d like to give you a helping hand and talk:
Five reasons why street dance is good for your mental health:
The nights are drawing in and there’s a definite chill in the air, after a long day working remotely or in the office, it’s so tempting to binge out and sit or stay at home. But did you know that doing a psychical activity like street dance actually gives you more energy? That’s right, even if you start feeling sluggish, you’ll be bouncing out at the end like a kid on a space hopper whose consumed all the E numbers! Get ready to regain that vitality and feel alive!
If you’re worried about social distancing but yearn for your social life to return, then a Covid-secure dance class is exactly the place for you! You’ll meet a new bunch of friends in a monitored and safe setting – double win!
We need all the help we can get to calm anxiety at a time like this and, perhaps without realising it, we’ve all lost a shed-load of confidence in ourselves because our comfort zones have shrunk. Going to a fun, friendly street dance class will boost your confidence and help you to feel proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone!
You read that right, using your brain in a new way by learning choreography will actually help your memory! There’s a thing called neuroplasticity which is basically the more you use certain parts of your brain, the stronger they grow! According to hiphoppop.net:
Keeping the hippocampus engaged is key for preventing cognitive decline and diseases such as dementia, according to studies, by up to a whopping 76% (by comparison, reading reduces those diseases by up to 38%). What a result!
Look, I know I’m not alone in this – practising music videos, staring out the window when it’s raining pretending to be in a 90’s RnB music video! Now it’s time to take it up a gear, you can actually learn the moves to go with it!
I don’t know about you, but I am ready to push myself and take a class! You’re in luck, Stage & the City are running Street Dance with Hip-Hop Grooves for Beginners and for Improvers I look forward to seeing you there and once this is all over!
Take care of your mental health by giving yourself the gift of dance today!